parting images



over a (not steaming) mug of coffee in the Buffet at Euston Station

longing for English summers


and when one came

meeting your ghosts at busstops and on pavements


so the clouds came


where are the printed cotton frocks

and chasing butterflies


only queues at Cashpoint tills on Saturdays

and crowded buses


and again, splashes of sun, and again, the clouds



from nights that lonely hearts convene



like yesterday's quite gone


and afternoons like having been there before


children haunt the open lawns

under tower blocks of Ponders End, and perhaps the Docklands


almost forgotten them. But

they're there, growing up with time


and wishing and wishing


and the days are muddled into one another

not knowing what it is, what it's supposed to be


trying to sleeep over it, but the

dreams keep getting confused with reality


and still you do not rest buried





                                     Sept 1985